A tennis court is a suitable home recreational area. Besides, it can significantly increase the value of your property. Below is a guide on how to build a tennis court in your home.
Size and Location
Standard tennis courts are 23.77 metres long and 8.23 metres wide. Doubles courts should be 10.97 metres wide. If you do not have sufficient space on your property, a professional builder will advise how you can adjust the measurements.
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Whatever your involvement with a property may be, you may be able to benefit from working with a ream of land surveyors. Most people don't think about calling in land surveyors unless they are buying a home, but there are lots of ways that a good team of land surveyors can help to resolve property issues for you. Here are three ways you could use land surveyors.
Is your neighbour encroaching on your land?
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A building survey is a detailed examination of the current structural condition of a house, the need for repairs, the presence of dangerous materials and environmental factors such as the state of the drainage system and any existing ecosystems on the property. Read the extract below to learn more about building surveying and why you should request a survey.
The Benefits of a Building Survey
Building surveys are conducted when you need to renovate a building or as part of the property buying process.
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Pile driving is the easiest and most effective way to get support posts for a structure into the ground. The process is a little challenging because when you are driving the piles, you will be dealing with an element of the unknown. Not being able to see the condition of the soil layers that you are driving the piles into can lead to complications. It is, therefore, advisable to let a professional piling contractor handle the driving.
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If you have concrete floors, you might notice that over time, they may start to change colour because of dirt. It is also not uncommon for concrete floors to get stained as a result of spills. Chipping from constant friction and impacts can also occur. How is this remedied? The answer is concrete polishing.
What Is Concrete Polishing?
This is the act of using concrete polishing equipment to clean, repair and smoothen concrete floors.
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