Asbestos Removal: Three Precautions for Avoiding Safety Problems

Asbestos is a harmful material which can cause a lot of health problems if inhaled. Therefore, if you think that this material might be present in your old house, you should plan for immediate management. The most effective approach for eliminating the threat is removing the asbestos-containing materials from your structure. This process is relatively simple, but it also presents significant risk. In simple terms, when removing the material, asbestos fibres might be released, causing safety issues. Therefore, consider using the precautions outlined to minimise problems during asbestos removal.

Plan for Building Assessment

You should schedule an assessment with a specialised contractor if you have identified possible asbestos elements in your home. Failing to conduct an official inspection can be dangerous because of the possibility of misidentification of the harmful mineral during removal. There will be no issue if you remove non-asbestos material. However, misidentification will be a problem if you disturb unrecognised asbestos and leave it in place. Therefore, consult an expert and have them collect samples for testing before proceeding with your asbestos removal plans. The mineral is often found in areas like tiles, siding and ceilings. So, you can have samples taken from any suspicious materials in these zones.

Avoid Releasing the Asbestos

Asbestos, especially the bonded, non-friable type found in most homes, is not dangerous if it remains in its stable state. The danger of asbestos comes from the constituent fibres which become suspended in the air and then settle on surfaces, increasing the risk of environmental contamination and inhalation. Unfortunately, removing asbestos destabilises the material, allowing for unbounded particles to escape the built structure. If these fibres are not controlled, they will escape to the work area and contaminate the environment. Therefore, if you decide to proceed with the elimination of the material, you should think about an ideal method for sealing the area of interest. Also, acquire an appropriate industrial vacuum cleaner to remove lingering particles which will settle on surrounding surfaces.

Understand Dumping Risks

The disposal of asbestos is a regulated process. Therefore, you cannot afford to discard the removed building materials, your protective equipment and any cleaning rags carelessly. If these items are not handled with care, there will be significant environmental pollution, and the community will be in danger. Therefore, you must follow the guidelines provided by the council in your local area when packaging and labelling your hazardous material. Also, choose a suitable approved landfill for dumping. If you cannot handle the task with satisfaction, choose a specialised professional for waste handling and removal. 

To learn more, contact an asbestos removal contractor.
