All Your Questions on Land Division Answered

Dividing large pieces of land into smaller, more workable pieces is often the first step to proper land development. A small piece of land makes it easy to conceptualise the developments you will have on the land. You can identify the best spots for a house, water utilities, shopping areas, walkways and recreational facilities. It is also worth noting that land division makes it easy to increase the value of a property, considering that smaller pieces are more manageable and cost-friendly to develop. A lack of information about land division can affect the decisions you make about your real estate investments. Here are the answers to some of the questions that might be bothering you: 

What are the Various Types of Land Division?

Dividing your land results in a specific type of land title. The nature of the title you acquire affects essential parameters such as land use and types of developments that you can carry out on the land. Some of the different kinds of land division include:

  • Community title – land division involving the creation of a community title creates two or more lots of land with an area referred to as common property. The common property is open for use by the public and it is not a part of what you own privately. It has shared facilities and infrastructures like roads and walkways.
  • Torrens title – a Torrens title refers to a title dividing a piece of property into two or more allotments. The pieces are independent of one another and have no communal or shared facilities and infrastructure.

What Influences the Type of Land Division You'll Carry Out?

Several factors affect the type of land division that you choose. First on the list is the cost of development after division. For example, the cost of developing sewer and water lines could be expensive for a Torrens title compared to a community title. The latter makes it easy to get a section of the development carried out by community agencies or municipalities. Secondly, the requirements for your development plan also play a significant part. For instance, it is hard to guarantee exclusivity for incoming tenants if your residential estate sits on a community title.

Why Should You Consult Relevant Councils and Authorities?

It is wise to have a word with relevant authorities before embarking on land division. It helps you understand your privileges and limitations before chopping your vast piece of land into small allotments. You also get information on relevant fees, pre-approved development plans and potential land-use changes before proceeding with the big decision to divide the land.
