The Main Differences Between Sheet Waterproofing And Liquid Waterproofing

Waterproofing is an essential component in the construction of any property, business or residential. From the kitchen to the bathroom and even the outdoor areas like your verandahs, waterproofing has to be done to ensure that the structure remains viable long-term. When it comes to your choice of waterproofing, there are two main options: sheet and liquid waterproofing. There is much to say about both of these two options, but here are the basic differences that should point you in the right direction for your new building.

Liquid Waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing, or liquid membrane waterproofing, is a pretty intensive method which involves using a primer, applying several layers of paint-like waterproofing and then waiting for them to dry before moving on. Sounds simple, right? The problem is that waterproofing can take a lot of time when you are using liquid membrane, not only due to the manpower requirements but also the need to wait between coats. On the plus side, liquid membrane waterproofing is far more flexible and can be done around tight corners and intricate patterns. If you just have a small room or space to waterproof, liquid waterproofing is more than adequate.

Sheet Waterproofing

Sheet waterproofing requires plastic sheets that are specifically manufactured to be bonded to your floors and walls in large sections. This means that if there are any cracks in your concrete or if you want to install waterproofing on something more porous like timber, sheet waterproofing will give you a sturdier base with less chance of leakage. It is also very quick to install, but it can be susceptible to leakage at the corners and joints. On the whole, sheet waterproofing is rapidly growing in popularity due to its effectiveness and ease of use.

What Should You Choose?

Both methods work effectively, and it really comes down to two factors:

Size of the job: If you have a small area, there is no point spending the extra money to waterproof it with sheeting when liquid membrane works just as well. 

Intricacy: If the room you want to waterproof has a difficult design feature or a particularly awkward flooring system, then you may just need liquid membrane waterpoofing to get into all the little nooks and crannies. 

For almost every other occasion, most waterproofers would suggest you use sheet waterproofing, both for their sake and for yours. The last thing you want is waterproofing to take days only to find out that the surface is too uneven and you need sheet waterproofing anyway. 
